Since last two and half years of its inception, it has created number of facilities like developing a digital library, publishing the new thoughts, concepts, innovations, ideas in the form of books, journals, magazine articles, projects etc. at free of cost.
It has created an indexing database for review of such activities by experts and helping those thinkers to improve upon them. Editorial services, projects review, training for patent filing and supporting to protect IPR of their work are few of them. It has also signed MoUs with foreign Universities. It has signed MOUs with international publishers like Springer- Nature, Taylor Fancies and Atlantis Press etc. with an aim to help the writers/editors to publish their research outcomes in journals of repute. Its activities are focused on creation of a Knowledge Society. It has more than 10,000 registered members.
We provide assistance in publishing your manuscript in peer-reviewed journals through several value-added Publication Support Services.
An online class is a course conducted over the Internet. They are generally conducted through a learning management system, in which students can view their course syllabus and academic progress, as well as communicate with fellow students and their course instructor.
How are language and journal article publishing related? Here’s how: The competition to publish articles in international peer-reviewed journals is more intensive than ever before.
WLA Patent Support Services is a establish with a vision to reduce to bare bones the logistics around Intellectual property study. Our solution is simple and instant tested. We develop one to one routine associations with our clients and partners while adhering to the recognized best practices of entrepreneurial IP. We work towards bringing the 'best-of-breed' technologies to help manage, optimize and integrate mission-critical IP endeavor. Our Service gives writing, filling, publishing and granting of patent and Design of India, Denmark, UK.
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2nd world leadership convention on ‘world is one’ organized by World leadership academy and KII...
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The 3rd International Conference on Electronic Systems and Intelligent Computing (ESIC-2022) which will be...