Dr Suresh Chandra Satapathy currently working Professor, School of Computer Engg KIIT Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar did, PhD in Computer Science and Engg from JNTU, Hyderabad, M.Tech from NIT Rourkela. He has over 30 years of teaching and research experience. He is a Life Member of CSI, Senior Member of IEEE. He was the National Chairman for Educational and Research for 2015-17 of CSI. He was also holding the position of Secretary and Treasurer of Computational Intelligence Society under IEEE Hyderabad Chapter. He has been instrumental in organizing more than 59 International Conferences in India and abroad as Organizing Chair and corresponding editor over more than 60 Book Volumes from Springer LNCS, AISC, LNEE and SIST Series. He is quite active in research in the areas of Swarm Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Mining. More than 70 PG projects are supervised by him. Currently 8 scholars are pursuing PhD under him. His first PhD Scholar got her PhD Degree with GOLD medal from her University for the outstanding work done by her in the areas of Swarm Intelligence Optimization. He has over 250 research articles in various journals with SCI impact factors, SCOPUS index and also in Conf proceedings of Springer, IEEE etc. He has delivered number of Keynote address and Tutorials in his areas of his expertise in various events in India and abroad. He has research collaboration with NTU Singapore, University of Leicester, UK, DuyTan University, Vietnam and many universities of US, Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia etc. Currently he is in Editorial board of IGI Global, Inderscience, Growing Science journals etc. He is the developer of three new Evolutionary Optimization techniques called SGO , SELO and PPF. He was recipient of Leadership in Academic award by ASSOCHEM in the year 2017.
Dr Ashok Kumar Sahoo, Professor,KIIT School of Mechanical Engineering& Director, R&D (Technology),KIIT Deemed to be University has extensive teaching, research and administrative experience of 25 years. He was the former Dean and Director of School of Mechanical Engineering from 2014-2020. Dr Sahoo has published more than 150 research articles (more than 90 articles indexed in Web of Science) in peer reviewed Journals of... International repute and Conferences with h-index:22 (Scopus)/h-index:24 (Google Scholar)/h-index:15 (Web of Science)/i10-index: 52 (Google Scholar) and Scopus research Citations:1500+, Google Scholar Citations: 2000+ and Web of Scienceresearch Citations:900+ etc.Dr Sahoo has been recognized as Indian researchers of “Top 2% Scientists in the world” for the year 2020 in the list of Stanford University, US and Elsevier, 2021 in “Materials” research category.The results of a recent research performed by academics from Stanford University published a comprehensive list that identified the Top 2% most Influential scientists worldwide based on the Scopus publications impact.Dr Sahoo received First rank (01) in KIIT University among all faculty members being highest scholarly output (92/100), 2021 ofSciVal, Elsevier Author Ranking of KIIT University.Three of his research papers have been cited as Science Direct Top 25 Hottest Articles, Elsevier. He has successfully completed five sponsored research projects from DST, SERB and RPS, AICTE in areas of sustainable machining, composites fabrication & machinability, spray impingement cooling, novel minimum quantity lubrication & cooling strategies for cleaner machining and nano fluid assisted multi-nozzle MQL sustainable machining. Dr Sahoo has filed Eight Patent out of which Five patents have been published as national and International patent (PCT) by WIPO. Dr Sahoo is the author of book on “Machining of Nanocomposites” published by International Publisher CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, 2022 and another book on “Hard Machining: A sustainability assessment” is under review in CRC Press, Taylor & Francis and published 10 book chapters in Elsevier & Springer.Dr Sahoo is actively engaged in research in the area of Sustainable Machining & Machinability of Advanced materials, Hard machining, MQL machining & Nanofluid assisted machining, High speed hard machining, Spray impingement cooling, Composite development and characterization, Tool condition monitoring, Surface characterization and surface integrity, Non conventional machining etc with the development of Machining research Lab and Production research Lab in the School of Mechanical Engineering, KIIT Deemed to be University. He has attended many national and international conferences, presented papers as keynote speaker, chaired the technical sessions and organized conferences/seminars as chairman. He has supervised already 22 M.Tech & 08 PhD Thesis. He was the recipient of “Best Staff Award” for outstanding contributions in KIIT University, 2010, “Highly Cited Research Award” from Science Direct, Elsevier, Outstanding Reviewer award, and letter of appreciation of reviewing from Elsevier Journals. Dr Sahoo has been the reviewer board member with several Elsevier, Springer, Taylor & Francis and SAGE journals. He was the President of AICTE-MHRD Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) of MoE’s Innovation cell for KIIT Deemed to be University from 2018-20 and currently Coordinator of AICTE-National Innovation &Start up Policy (NISP) and SPARC programme, KIIT Deemed to be University. He is the Executive Editor of KIIT R&D Newsletter of KIIT Deemed University. He has been nominated as International Founding Chair India for World Leadership Academy. He is actively involved sincerely in volunteer service and leadership at professional, community and university levels.He is a fellow member of IE(I) India and life member of IET(UK),ISTE and ISCA.
Dr. Sanjeet Kumar Dwivedi is Fellow of IET (UK) &working as Senior Research Leader at Danfoss, Denmark since 2008. Prior to this, Dr. Sanjeet was an electrical engineer in Larsen and Toubro, an infrastructure company in India (1991-92), Electrical Engineer in CPWD, Government of India (GoI). He worked as senior faculty member of the Department of Technical Education, MP, India (1993-2006) and Dean R&D, Government Engineering College SAGAR MP India(2006-2008) Dr Sanjeet has awarded with two master degrees,... first one from IIT Roorkee, ME (Gold Medal) in Power Apparatus and Drives and second one from South Denmark University, M.Sc. Engineering in Innovation and Business. He has completed his Ph.D. degree in Green Technologies from IIT Delhi India. Dr. Sanjeet also completed his executive leadership education from MIT Boston. He was honored with adjunct professor at Curtin University, Perth, Australia (2016-18). Dr Sanjeet is Member of Faculty board of South Denmark University in the Innovation and Business department. Dr. Sanjeet has authored more than 40 technical papers and holds 11 international patents, three business trade and three books engineering research books published from Academic Press (UK) and IET Press (UK). He is anadvisory board member of of International Journal of Power Electronics (IJPE), Associate Editor of the IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics (IEEE TIE). He has given invited presentations, organized and chaired special sessions in several IEEE and European Power Electronics conferences around the globe. Previously he worked as Technical Editor of IEEE/ASME transaction on Mechatronics, Associate Editor of IET (United Kingdom) Power Electronics Journal, Associate Editor of Korean Journal of Power Electronics (JPE).He is a recipient of Merit Award from Institution of India IE(I) (2006) for his research publication on permanent magnet machines. He was also awarded with 9th Man on the Moon Global Innovation Award from the CEO and President of Danfoss (2015) and another prestigious recognition as winner of IETE-Bimal Bose Award (2017) for outstanding contribution in power electronics and drive.
Vinod Khadkikar is an IEEE Fellow and a Professor in the EECS Department at Khalifa University, AbuDhabi, UAE. He received B.E. in Electrical, Electronics and Power from the Government College of Engineering, Aurangabad, in 2000, M. Tech. from IIT Delhi in 2002 and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the ETS, Montreal, Canada, in 2008.... From December 2008 to March 2010, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada. From April 2010 to December 2010, he was a Visiting Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),Cambridge, MA, USA.He has contributed over 50 IEEE Transactions papers. He was ranked 148 among 105,029 researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering in the list of world’s top 2% of career-long scientists as of November 2020 released by Stanford University. His research interests include applications of power electronics in distribution systems and renewable energy resources, grid interconnection issues, power quality enhancement, active power filters and electric vehicles. Dr. Khadkikar is currently an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications and IET Power Electronics.
Sanjib Kumar Panda received a Bachelor of Engineering Degree with 1st Class Honours from Sardar Varanasi, India in 1987. He was awarded the Gold Medal for securing the highest marks amongst all the M. Tech. (Electrical) students. Subsequently, he earned a PhD. Degree from the University of Cambridge, U.K., in 1991. He was awarded the Nehru Cambridge Fellowship and Overseas Research Studentship from the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust for Cambridge University for his PhD studies, 1987-1991.... He joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National University of Singapore as a Lecturer in 1992. He is currently serving as an Associate Professor. He has served as Director (Education) at the Design Technology Institute, a joint-venture between NUS and TU/e, The Netherlands and funded by EDB, Singapore. He has served as the Group Head of the Drives, Power and Control Group from 2007-2009. He was appointed as Area Director, Power & Energy Research Group of the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at NUS on 1st January 2010. Dr. Panda has carried out extensive research in various areas of control of electric drives and power electronic converters. He has co-authored 1 book and published more than 175 papers in international refereed journals and conferences. His current research interests are in energy harvesting both at high power level as well as at very low-power level for wireless sensor nodes and networks, control of distributed renewable energy generation, assistive technology and mechatronics. Dr. Panda has been very active member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and presently a Senior Member of the IEEE. He has served in various capacities as Chapter Officer in the IEEE Singapore Section Joint Power Electronics and Industry Applications Society Chapter. He has served as the Chairman of the IEEE Singapore Section in 2004. He was the Organizing Chairman for the International IEEE Power Electronics and Drives Systems Conference in 2003 as well as the International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies in 2008. He is the recipient of the IEEE 3rd Millennium Medal. He was awarded the Best Volunteer Award by the IEEE Singapore Section in 2006.