Long-Range Interactions for Hydrogen Atoms in Excited D States
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Pressure shifts inside an atomic beam are among the more theoretically challenging effects in high-precision measurements of atomic transitions. A crucial element in their theoretical analysis is the understanding of long-range interatomic interactions inside the beam. For excited reference states, the presence of quasi-degenerate states leads to additional challenges, due to the necessity to diagonalize large matrices in the quasi-degenerate hyperfine manifolds. Here, we focus on the interactions of hydrogen atoms in reference states composed of an excited nD state (atom A), and in the metastable 2S state (atom B). We devote special attention to the cases n = 3 and n = 8. For n = 3, the main effect is generated by quasi-degenerate virtual P states from both atoms A and B and leads to experimentally relevant second-order long-range (van-der-Waals) interactions proportional to the sixth inverse power of the interatomic distance. For n = 8, in addition to virtual states with two states of P symmetry, one needs to take into account combined virtual P and F states from atoms A and B. The numerical value of the so-called C6 coefficients multiplying the interaction energy was found to grow with the principal quantum number of the reference D state; it was found to be of the order of 1011 in atomic units. The result allows for the calculation of the pressure shift inside atomic beams while driving transitions to nD states.
Chandra M. Adhikari,
Ulrich D. Jentschura,
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Level Structure and Properties of Open f-Shell Elements
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Open f-shell elements still constitute a great challenge for atomic theory owing to their (very) rich fine-structure and strong correlations among the valence-shell electrons. For these medium and heavy elements, many atomic properties are sensitive to the correlated motion of electrons and, hence, require large-scale computations in order to deal consistently with all relativistic, correlation and rearrangement contributions to the electron density. Often, different concepts and notations need to be combined for just classifying the low-lying level structure of these elements. With JAC, the Jena Atomic Calculator, we here provide a toolbox that helps to explore and deal with such elements with open d- and f-shell structures. Based on Dirac’s equation, JAC is suitable for almost all atoms and ions across the periodic table. As an example, we demonstrate how reasonably accurate computations can be performed for the low-lying level structure, transition probabilities and lifetimes for Th2+ ions with a 5 f 6d ground configuration. Other, and more complex, shell structures are supported as well, though often for a trade-off between the size and accuracy of the computations. Owing to its simple use, however, JAC supports both quick estimates and detailed case studies on open d- or f-shell elements.
Stephan Fritzsche,
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Elastic and Inelastic Cross Sections for Low-Energy Electron Collisions with ClF Molecule Using the R-Matrix Method
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The ClF molecule belongs to an interhalogen family and is important in laser physics and condensed phase molecular dynamics. The elastic and excitation scattering cross sections are obtained in a fixed nuclei approximation using the UKRmol+ codes based on R-matrix formalism. The scattering calculations were performed in the static-exchange (SE), static-exchange-plus-polarisation (SEP), and close-coupling (CC) models. Three CC models with different target states were employed, namely, the 1-state, 5-states, and 12-states. In the CC model, the target states were represented by configuration interaction (CI) wavefunctions. A good agreement of dipole and quadrupole moments of the ground state was obtained with the experimental values, which indicates a good representation of the target modelling. The study predicted the existence of a shape resonance in the SE, SEP,and 5-states CC models. This resonance vanished in the 12-states CC model. The excitation cross sections from ground to the lowest two excited states were also reported. The elastic differential and momentum transfer cross sections were obtained in the 12-states CC models. The contribution of long-range interactions to elastic scattering was included via Born closure approach. The quantities like collision frequencies and rate coefficients were also presented over a wide range of electron temperatures. The ionization cross sections were computed using the binary-encounter-Bethe (BEB) model. The results were reported in C2v point group representation.
Monika Bassi,
Anand Bharadvaja,
Kasturi Lal Baluja,
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Photoejection from Various Systems and Radiative-Rate Coefficients
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Photoionization or photodetachment is an important process. It has applications in solar and astrophysics. In addition to accurate wave function of the target, accurate continuum functions are required. There are various approaches, like exchange approximation, method of polarized orbitals, close-coupling approximation, R-matrix formulation, exterior complex scaling, the recent hybrid theory, etc., to calculate scattering functions. We describe some of them used in calculations of photodetachment or photoabsorption cross sections of ions and atoms. Comparisons of cross sections obtained using different approaches for the ejected electron are given. Furthermore, recombination rate coefficients are also important in solar- and astrophysics and they have been calculated at
various electron temperatures using the Maxwell velocity distribution function. Approaches based on the method of polarized orbitals do not provide any resonance structure of photoabsorption cross sections, in spite of the fact that accurate results have been obtained away from the resonance region and in the resonance region by calculating continuum functions to calculate resonance widths using phase shifts in the Breit–Wigner formula for calculating resonance parameters. Accurate resonance parameters in the elastic cross sections have been obtained using the hybrid theory and they compare well with those obtained using the Feshbach formulation. We conclude that accurate results for photoabsorption cross sections can be obtained using the hybrid theory.
Anand K. Bhatia,
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Exploring the Excited-State Nonadiabatic Effects in the Semisaturated Planar Tetracoordinated Carbon Molecule C7H4
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We theoretically study the nonadiabatic relaxation dynamics of low-lying singlet excited states of semisaturated planar tetracoordinated carbon molecule, C7H4 . This molecule possesses a stable C2v ground-state equilibrium geometry. The three low-lying singlet states, S1 , S2 and S3, lie in the energy gap of about 1.2 eV. The potential energy surfaces constructed within the quadratic vibronic coupling formalism reveal multiple conical intersections in the Franck-Condon region. Upon photoexcitation to S3, the wave packet decays rapidly to lower states via these conical intersections. We also observe the wave packet transfer to S3 during the initial wavepacket evolution on lower states, suggesting the nonadiabatic behavior of photoexcited planar C7H4 .
Chithra Mohan Jayakumari,
Probal Nag,
Sai Vamsi Krishna Isukapalli,
Sivaranjana Reddy Vennapusa,
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Two-Center Basis Generator Method Calculations for Li3+, C3+ and O3+ Ion Impact on Ground State Hydrogen
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The two-center basis generator method is used to obtain cross sections for excitation,capture, and ionization in Li3+, C3+, and O3+ collisions with ground-state hydrogen at projectile energies from 1 to 100 keV/u. The interaction of the C3+ and O3+ projectiles with the active electron is represented by a model potential. Comparisons of cross sections with previously reported data show an overall good agreement, while discrepancies in capture for C3+ collisions at low energies are noted. The present results show that excitation and ionization are similar across the three collision systems, which indicates that these cross sections are mostly dependent on the net charge of the projectile only. The situation is different for the capture channel.
Anthony C. K. Leung,
Tom Kirchner,
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Two-Dimensional Six-Body van der Waals Interactions
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Van der Waals interactions, primarily attractive van der Waals interactions, have been studied over one and half centuries. However, repulsive van der Waals interactions are less widely studied than attractive van der Waals interactions. In this article, we focus on repulsive van der Waals interactions. Van der Waals interactions are dipole–dipole interactions. In this article, we study the van der Waals interactions between multiple dipoles. Specifically, we focus on two-dimensional six-body van der Waals interactions. This study has many potential applications. For example, the result may be applied to physics, chemistry, chemical engineering, and other fields of sciences and engineering, such as breaking molecules.
Jianing Han,
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Single Ionization of He by Energetic Protons in a Parabolic Quasi-Sturmians Approach
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A fully differential cross section for single ionization of helium induced by 1 MeV proton impact is calculated using the parabolic convoluted quasi-Sturmian (CQS) method. In the framework of this approach the transition amplitude is extracted directly from the asymptotic behavior of the solution of an inhomogeneous Schrödinger equation for the Coulomb three-body system (e −, He+, p+).The driven equation is solved numerically by expanding in convolutions of quasi-Sturmians for the two-body proton-He+ and electron-He+ systems. It is found, at least in the high energy limit, that the calculated cross sections within the proposed CQS method converge quickly as the number of terms in the expansions is increased, and are in reasonable agreement with experimental data and other theoretical results.
Sergey A. Zaytsev,
Alexander S. Zaytsev,
Vyacheslav V. Nasyrov,
Darya S. Zaytseva,
Lorenzo U. Ancarani,
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Cartesian Operator Factorization Method for Hydrogen
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We generalize Schrödinger’s factorization method for Hydrogen from the conventional separation into angular and radial coordinates to a Cartesian-based factorization. Unique to this approach is the fact that the Hamiltonian is represented as a sum over factorizations in terms of coupled operators that depend on the coordinates and momenta in each Cartesian direction. We determine the eigenstates and energies, the wavefunctions in both coordinate and momentum space, and we also illustrate how this technique can be employed to develop the conventional confluent hypergeometric equation approach. The methodology developed here could potentially be employed for other Hamiltonians that can be represented as the sum over coupled Schrödinger factorizations.
Xinliang Lyu,
Christina Daniel,
James K. Freericks,
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Atomic Processes, Including Photoabsorption, Subject to Outside Charge-Neutral Plasma
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We present in this review our recent theoretical studies on atomic processes subject to the plasma environment including the α and β emissions and the ground state photoabsorption of the one- and two-electron atoms and ions. By carefully examining the spatial and temporal criteria of the Debye–Hückel (DH) approximation based on the classical Maxwell–Boltzmann statistics, we were able to represent the plasma effect with a Debye–Hückel screening potential VDH in terms of the Debye length D, which is linked to the ratio between the plasma density N and its temperature kT. Our theoretical data generated with VDH from the detailed non-relativistic and relativistic multiconfiguration atomic structure calculations compare well with the limited measured results from the most recent experiments. Starting from the quasi-hydrogenic picture, we were able to show qualitatively that the energy shifts of the emission lines could be expressed in terms of a general expression as a function of a modified parameter, i.e., the reduced Debye length λ. The close agreement between theory and experiment from our study may help to facilitate the plasma diagnostics to determine the electron density and the temperature of the outside plasma.
Tu-Nan Chang,
Te-Kuei Fang,
Chensheng Wu,
Xiang Gao,
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